Profi Active Room Sanitizer Oxisson
SKU : 33158
Designed by Oxisson in Sweden
Regular use effectively inhibits and for a long period blocks the growth of pathogenic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium difficile, MRSA infections.
The probiotic bacteria in Profi Active Oxisson Sanitizer have been specially tested and selected for their maximum antagonistic properties to pathogenic human microflora. This group of probiotic microorganisms, once applied to various surfaces (floor, furniture, walls) can in a short time suppress and block the growth of pathogenic bacteria, agents of infections dangerous to humans.
Universal probiotic wet cleaner and biological disinfectant provides:
- Biological disinfection!
- Prolonged action!
- Reliable control of nosocomial infections!
Area of application: wet cleaning, sanitary and hygienic treatment to control the growth of nosocomial infection. Recommended for use in hospitals, maternity hospitals, dental offices, kindergartens, schools, nursing homes, as well as for use in households.
During exacerbation of influenza virus, acute respiratory infections, colds, as well as in rooms where there are elderly people, children, people with weakened immune system are recommended not only to wash the floor, but also to conduct regular aerosol treatment with water solution according to the instructions on the package.
Treatments are carried out by aerosolizing the concentrate already diluted in water with a hand sprayer or other devices that are shown on the package. Such treatments greatly reduce the risk of secondary infections that can cause various complications after a disease!.
GTIN: 0000000331586
Terms of use of the product:
Warning! Shake the concentrate thoroughly before each use.<br>Water temperature is not more than 50C.<br>For floor washing: 1:100 (1% u-c) 2 caps (50 ml) per 5 litres of water;<br>Wiping with a wet microfiber: 1:40 (2,5% u-c) 1 cap (25 ml) per 1 liter of water;<br>Aerosol spraying: 1:10 (10% u-c) 2 caps (50 ml) per 0,5 liter of water.
not specified.
Product ingredients:
Demineralized water, Non-ionic surfactants of vegetable origin, perfume composition.
29,58 € Prix original
27,19 €Prix promotionnel
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