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Chondro supplement Boswellia+MSM+Collagen (60 capsules) Apitamax

Chondro supplement Boswellia+MSM+Collagen (60 capsules) Apitamax

SKU : 34009
Designed by Apitamax in Greece

Comprehensive support of your joints. Carefully selected composition of the supplement activates the recovery process and restores the quality of life.
Dietary supplement is not a medicine!

Chondro supplement Boswellia + MSM + Collagen Apitamax prevents deformation of cartilage, restores cartilage function, and relieves discomfort during movement.

Main active components of the supplement:
Boswellia extract - relieves joint discomfort, provides nutritional support for the musculoskeletal system.

MSM - methylsulfonylmethane is a sulfur-organic compound with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, it is involved in almost every metabolic process in the body. Restores flexibility and mobility of joints, stimulates blood circulation, removes discomfort, activates cellular functions.

Collagen is the basis of healthy joints. It is a unique set of amino acids that are rare in other proteins and are responsible for structure and compounds in tissues. With age, our body loses the ability to produce collagen in cartilage. The consequences of this protein lack in the body can not only be imagined, but also felt in different parts of the body in the form of dysfunction and discomfort.

Medium molecular weight Hyaluronic acid - is natural for the human body, it is contained in the synovial fluid of the joints, ensuring the required density, and also participates in the metabolism of hyaline cartilage. Over the years, the production of this acid decreases, which negatively affects the condition of the shoulder, elbow, knee, hip joints.

Martini extract - due to the high content of biologically active substances, in particular glycosides (harpagoside) and flavonoids has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and ligaments, relieves discomfort in the joints, increases their mobility.

Release form: 60 capsules.
GTIN: 0000000340090

28.8 g / 1.01 oz. (60 capsules of 480 mg each).

Terms of use of the product:
Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule 3-4 times a day with meals. The recommended course is 3-4 months.

not specified.

Product ingredients:
1 capsule of 475 mg contains:<br>Martini extract 80 mg<br>Marine collagen 75 mg<br>Medium molecular weight Hyaluronic acid 75 mg<br>MSM 75 mg<br>Boswellia extract 60% 50 mg<br>Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 5 mg<br>Vitamin B3 5 mg<br>Selenmethionine 10 mg<br>Vitamin E 3.75 mg<br>Vitamin B5 1.25 mg<br>Calcium citrate 0.725 mg<br>Vitamin A 0.25 mg<br>Vitamin D3 0.025 mg<br>GMO free.
    33,29 € Prix original
    30,16 €Prix promotionnel
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